Difference in Pay (DIP) Leave

UPS 260.104PDF File Opens in new window as well as Article 28PDF File Opens in new window of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement govern the granting of Difference-in-Pay leave to eligible faculty. It is recommended that you review both thoroughly prior to submitting your application. In order to apply for a DIP leave, faculty must submit the Difference-in-Pay Leave Application, an application narrative, and a brief CV to FAR by 5pm October 15th (or 5pm next business day if October 15 falls on a weekend).


Eligibility Requirement for Sabbatical and Difference-in-Pay

Probationary and Tenured Faculty, Full-Time Lecturers, Full-Time Librarians and Full-Time Academic-Related Counselors (SSP-AR) may be eligible for Sabbatical/DIP leave. Faculty must have full-time continuous service for 6 years total prior to taking their first sabbatical or DIP leave. Thereafter, faculty must have full-time continuous service for 3 years prior to taking a DIP leave or 6 years prior to taking a sabbatical leave.  As such, faculty are not eligible for a subsequent DIP until after they have served full-time continuously for 3 years, or a sabbatical leave until after they have served full-time continuously for 6 years. 


Request for Additional Employment (during approved leave)

Approval for additional employment during an approved personal leave may be submitted utilizing the form below: