

ege203 -电路Opens in new window

Prerequisites: Physics 226; Math 250A; 先决条件或必要条件: EGGN 205.
Units; Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws; mesh and nodal analysis, superposition; Thevenin and Norton theorems; RL and RC transients; phasors and steady state sinusoidal analysis; response as a function of frequency; current, voltage, and power relationships; polyphase circuits. (203=CAN ENGR 12; 203+203L=CAN ENGR 6)
Units: (3)


ege2031电路实验室Opens in new window

先决条件或共同条件:EGEE 203.
Electrical measurement techniques; verification of basic circuit laws for resistive, RL, and RC circuits. (3学时实验)(203+203L=CAN ENGR 6)
Units: (1)


用matlab求解工程问题Opens in new window


CPSC 120.
Formulating, solving, verifying, 报告工程问题,比如控制, signal processing, 以及通信系统和工程, math, 和物理问题,如工程/科学计算和运筹学使用MATLAB/Simulink程序. (3小时实验)单元:(1)


计算机逻辑和体系结构Opens in new window


EGGN 205 or equivalent.
计算机主要部件的逻辑设计和组织, 组合逻辑和顺序逻辑的分析和综合, 算法分析, 内存控制和I/O单元, 计算机控制的概念.
Units: (3)


ege245l计算机逻辑和体系结构实验室Opens in new window


EGEE 245.
Digital logic circuits; decoders, counters, 串行和并行加法器, 控制电路(1小时讲座), 3 hours laboratory)
Units: (2)


ege280微控制器Opens in new window


EGCP 180 (or EGEE 245).
单片机的功能硬件组成和软件模型, 单片机编程, 微控制器与外部设备的接口.
Units: (3)


ege281的VHDL设计Opens in new window


CPSC 120(或CPSC 121)及egcp180(或ege245).
使用VHDL(数字系统设计和仿真的标准语言)进行建模, timing, events, propagation delays, and concurrency. VHDL结构,数据表示,格式,物理属性. 动手合成,模拟和测试数字项目.
Units: (2)


EGEE 303 ELECTRONICSOpens in new window


物理227和EGEE 203. Corequisite: EGEE 203L.
半导体二极管的特性和基本应用, 场效应晶体管和双极结晶体管, and operational amplifiers; mid-frequency small-signal analysis and design of transistors.
Units: (3)


ege3031电子实验室Opens in new window


EGEE 203L和英语101. Corequisite: EGEE 303.
半导体二极管的实验研究, transistors, 以及基本电子电路的分析与设计. (3 hours laboratory)
Units: (1)


ege308工程分析Opens in new window


傅立叶级数的基础和工程应用, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, complex analysis, vector analysis; engineering applications.
Units: (3)


ege309网络分析Opens in new window


EGEE 203 and EGGN 308. 先决条件或必要条件:EGEE 203L.
Performance of RLC circuits; complex frequency and the s-plane; frequency response and resonance; network topology; two-port network characterization; classical filter theory.
Units: (3)


ege310电子电路Opens in new window


EGEE 303 and 309.
Continuation of 303, analysis and design of multistage and feedback amplifiers; frequency characteristics of amplifiers, 反馈放大器的频率特性和稳定性, differential amplifiers, IC电路偏置设计, 运算放大器及其应用.
Units: (3)


ege310l电子电路实验室Opens in new window


EGEE 303L. 先决条件或共同条件:EGEE 310.
Single, multistage and feedback amplifiers; linear and digital integrated circuits, ADC和DAC设计项目. (3小时实验,1小时讲座)
Units: (2)


ege311场论和传输线Opens in new window


EGEE 203,物理226,数学250B.
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; boundary value problems; magnetic materials and the magnetic circuit; magnetic induction; Maxwell's equations and the formulation of circuit concepts; transmission lines.
Units: (3)


电子力学概论Opens in new window


EGEE 309 and 311.
Electromagnetic fields and circuits; transformers, saturation effects. 简单机电系统. 直流和交流电机的电路模型、端子特性和应用.
Units: (3)


ege313l动力实验室Opens in new window


EGEE 303L. 先决条件或共同条件:EGEE 313.
电磁场和电路实验, transformers, 和机电系统,如交流和直流机器(3小时实验室)
Units: (1)


工程概率与统计Opens in new window


Math 250A.
Set Theory, axiomatic foundation of probability; random variables; probability distribution and density functions; joint, conditional, and marginal distributions; expected values; distribution of function of random variables; central limit theorem; and introduction to random processes
Units: (3)


ege401工程经济与专业(取代ege490) & GN 314)Opens in new window


利用工程经济和成本效益分析的原则,开发和展示工程系统和项目的设计方案. 学习工程专业、职业道德及相关课题. (不适用于研究生学习计划).
Units: (3)


微处理机和微型计算机简介Opens in new window


EGEE 280 and EGEE 245L.
微处理器中的硬件和软件概念, processor family chips, system architecture, CPU, input/output devices, interrupts and DMA, memory (ROM, RAM), 电气和时序特性, 汇编语言程序设计.
Units: (3)


Egee 404l微处理器实验室Opens in new window


EGEE 245L. 先决条件或共同条件:EGEE 404.
I/O interfacing with a microprocessor system; familiarization with the operating system, assembler, debugger and emulator; design of keyboard, LCO display, RS 232, D/A converter, A/D转换器和软盘接口. (3 hours laboratory)
Units: (1)


应用ege406设计单片机和fpgaOpens in new window


ege280, ege245和ege245l.
利用单片机设计数字系统应用程序, fpga和cpld包括编程硬件接口, A/D conversion, CLB, logic arrays, interconnections, testing and simulations
Units: (3)


Egee 407数字计算机体系结构与设计I(原307)Opens in new window


EGEE 280 and EGEE 245L.

数字计算机主要部件的组织和设计,包括算法, memory, input, 输出和控制单元. 用计算机设计语言将单元集成到一个系统和仿真中.
Units: (3)


EGEE 407L数字计算机设计实验室(原307L)Opens in new window

先决条件:EGEE 303L, EGEE 245L,和EGEE 407.

Design and implementation of a small digital computer; adders, arithmetic unit, control unit, memory control unit, 存储单元和程序单元. 可以代替EGEE 485吗. (1小时讲座,6小时实验).
Units: (3)


EGEE 409线性系统导论Opens in new window


EGEE 309.
物理系统的时域和频域模型的发展. The linearization process and representation with block diagrams and signal flow graphs; discrete-time systems and digital signals including use of Z-transforms; stability theory of continuous and discrete time systems.
Units: (3)


ege410光电系统Opens in new window


EGEE 311.
Introduction to electro-optics; optical radiation characteristics and sources; geometrical and physical optics; lasers and electro-optical modulation; quantum and thermal optical radiation detectors; detector performance analysis; electro-optical systems modeling and analysis; application examples.
Units: (3)


数字计算机体系结构与设计2Opens in new window


EGEE 407.
计算机系统的现代架构, their CPU structure, memory hierarchies and I/O processors; conventional and microprogrammed control; high-speed and pipelined ALU; cache, 虚拟和交错的记忆, DMA, interrupts and priority.
Units: (3)


ege416反馈控制系统Opens in new window


EGEE 409.
Feedback control system characteristics; stability in the frequency domain; analysis and design of continuous-time systems using root-locus, 博德和奈奎斯特的图表和尼科尔斯的图表.
Units: (3)


ege420介绍数字滤波Opens in new window


EGEE 409.
Discrete-time signals and systems; solution of difference equations; Fourier transform for a sequence; Z-transform; discrete Fourier transform; FIR and IIR realizations; design of digital filters.
Units: (3)


Egee 424连续系统的计算机模拟Opens in new window


CPSC 120 and EGEE 308.
Use the digital computer for simulation of physical systems modeled by ordinary differential equations; problem formulation, 深入分析了两种集成方法, 并使用通用的系统仿真程序如CSSL.
Units: (3)


系统工程概论Opens in new window


EGEE 245, EGEE 323或计算机科学240和数学338为计算机科学专业.
Introduction to systems engineering analysis and the systems approach; introduction to modeling, optimization, design and control; systems require- ments analysis; analytical and computational solution methods; information processing; integrated systems.
Units: (3)


ege430模糊逻辑和控制Opens in new window


EGEE 409.
Fuzzy logic and systems; comparison of classical sets, relations, 以及带有模糊集的算子, relations and operators; fuzzy arithmetic and transformations; classical predicate logic and reasoning versus fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning. 应用于基于规则的系统和控制系统.
Units: (3)


ege435微波工程Opens in new window


EGEE 311.
射频,无线和微波工程的基本原理. 主题包括:波在电缆中的传播, waveguides and free space; impedance matching, standing wave ratios, 阻抗和散射参数.
Units: (3)



电子电路Opens in new window


EGEE 310.
Power amplifiers and tuned amplifiers; RF amplifiers; modulation and detection circuits; oscillators; and operational amplifier applications.
Units: (3)


电子通信系统Opens in new window


EGEE 310和EGEE 323或同等学历.
振幅原理, 角和脉冲调制, 代表性通信系统, 噪声对系统性能的影响.
Units: (3)


ege445数字电子学Opens in new window


EGEE 303 and EGEE 245.
RC电路,衰减器,补偿和范围探头. 逻辑电路:DTL、TTL、STTL、LSTTL和ECL. 扇出,抗噪性,开关速度,功耗,输入输出特性. Design and analysis of MOS logic circuits; PMOS, NMOS and CMOS gates, flip-flops, 移位寄存器和存储电路.
Units: (3)


ege448数字系统设计与VHDLOpens in new window


EGEE 303 and EGEE 245.
数字系统的基本概念和特点, 传统逻辑设计, LSI/VLSI logic design, 组合逻辑和顺序逻辑, and their applications; timing and control, 竞赛条件和噪声, microcomputers, 计算机辅助编程, development systems, 微机系统硬件设计, input/output devices.
Units: (3)


Egee 455微电子和纳米器件Opens in new window


EGEE 303 and EGEE 311.
量子力学原理, atomic structure, crystal structure, 晶体缺陷与扩散, 晶格振动和声子, energy band theory, 电荷输运现象, 金属的自由电子理论, 内在和外在半导体, p-n junction theory, transistor theory.
Units: (3)


介绍蜂窝移动通信系统Opens in new window


EGEE 443.
无线移动通信概论, 蜂窝无线电系统的描述和分析, 同信道干扰抑制, 信道容量和数字蜂窝系统.
Units: (3)


ege465 vlsi设计简介Opens in new window


EGEE 245 and EGEE 303.
VLSI电路的计算机辅助设计. MOS器件结构,设计规则,布局示例,CMOS标准单元. 速度功率权衡,缩放,器件和电路仿真. VLSI设计软件工具. 路由方法系统设计,设计方案. 芯片制造通过MOSIS服务,测试.
Units: (3)


用于无线通信的Egee 469天线Opens in new window


EGEE 311.
Aspects of antenna theory and design; radiation from dipoles, loops, apertures, 微带天线和天线阵列.
Units: (3)



Egee 480光学工程与通信Opens in new window


EGEE 311 and PHYS 227.
Optics review, lightwave fundamentals, 集成光波导, 光纤系统的首次设计, 模拟和数字调制, 数字光纤系统设计, baseband coding, 光纤数字视频传输, 光发射器和接收器, 相干光通信, 光纤通信中的测量.
Units: (3)


全球定位系统(gps)简介Opens in new window


EGEE 409 or EGCP 371.
全球定位系统(GPS)和差分全球定位系统(DGPS), GPS navigation, errors. 卫星信号和坐标变换数学. 位置和速度建模. 导航应用.
Units: (3)



Egee 4831全球定位系统实验室Opens in new window


EGEE 483.
使用和描述Novatel, Magelon, Ahstek, Collins和Tribel接收器. 利用历书星历资料计算GPS和GEO静止卫星位置. 选择性可用性等错误, ionospheric, tropospheric, 卫星AD接收机将在数据中进行计算和补偿.
Units: (2)


电气工程设计项目实验室(原385)Opens in new window


EGEE 280, 310L和323.
学习设计和工程施工的实际方面. 选择一个导师认可的电气工程设计项目. 使用CAD程序进行原理图捕获和仿真. 根据设计规范构建最终硬件. 完成性能评估并演示最终产品. (1小时讲座,6小时实验).
Units: (3)


EGEE 497 SENIOR PROJECTOpens in new window


Units: (1-3)


Egee 499独立学习Opens in new window


在工程专业的主题选择在咨询和指导下完成. 可以重复学分吗.
Units: (1-3)


信息理论与编码Opens in new window


EGEE 323.
Information measures, 信息传输和编码的概率研究, 香农基本定理, 噪声信道编码.
Units: (3)


ege504a线性网络合成Opens in new window


EGEE 310.
无源元件驱动点和传递函数的综合,重点是RC网络. 基本运算放大器RC电路及其性能限制, 二阶RC有源滤波器简介. 参数灵敏度分析.
Units: (3)


ege507检测理论Opens in new window


EGEE 580.
制定决策规则,在噪声环境下检测信号,优化接收机. 检测信号参数的估计. Estimation theory.
Units: (3)


EGEE 510 OPTICS & 通信中的电磁学Opens in new window


EGEE 480.
Plane-wave propagation and reflection from multiple layers; two- and three-dimensional boundary value problems; waveguides and resonant cavities; radiation from apertures and antennas; electromagnetic properties of materials, gases, and plasmas; significant coverage of engineering applications.
Units: (3)


ege518数字信号处理Opens in new window


EGEE 420.
Discrete Fourier transform; fast Fourier transform; Chirp Z-transform; discrete time random signals; floating-point arithmetic; quantization; finite word length effect in digital filters; spectral analysis and power spectrum estimation.
Units: (3)


ege519a并行和多处理Opens in new window


EGEE 412.
并行和多处理系统, including hypercubes, 共享分布式内存架构, 数组和管道处理器, communication protocols, 路由算法和实践并行编程经验在CSUF Hypercube系统.
Units: (3)


ege519b计算机网络和因特网Opens in new window


EGEE 412.

计算机网络与局域网, 广域网到Internet,包括ATM机, Ethernet, 无线和蓝牙技术, 通信协议设计, transmission media, security and control.
Units: (3)


ege522扩频通信Opens in new window


EGEE 443 and EGEE 580.
扩频(SS)系统简介. 相干数字信令方案的性能分析. Synchronization. 直接序列,跳频,跳时,和混合扩频调制. 二进制移位寄存器序列. Code tracking loops. 具有前向纠错的SS系统在干扰环境中的性能.
Units: (3)


ege523a vlsi和纳米技术及器件Opens in new window


EGEE 455 or equivalent.
Silicon crystal, PN junction physics, 氧化物和界面物理, wafer fabrication technology; oxidation, diffusion, ion-implantation, epitaxy, photolithography, thin films process. 集成电路布局设计原理. 纳米电子器件与技术.
Units: (3)


ege523b cmos vlsi设计Opens in new window


EGEE 465和EGEE 448或同等学历.
MOS系统表面物理,MOS器件物理. Short channel effect; hot carrier effect, subthreshold conduction. CMOS制造工艺. Layout design rules. CMOS电路的缩放设计与分析. Standard cell method. CAD设计和SPICE仿真
Units: (3)


Egee 526数字控制系统Opens in new window


EGEE 416.
Analysis, design and implementation of digital control systems; Z-transform methods; frequency domain and state-space approach for discrete-time systems.
Units: (3)


ege527故障诊断与容错设计Opens in new window


EGEE 307.
Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant design of digital systems; fault diagnosis test for combinational and sequential circuits, 可靠性计算, 多种硬件冗余, 错误检测和纠错码, 软件冗余和容错计算.
Units: (3)


神经系统原理Opens in new window


EGEE 310 and EGEE 409.
神经系统原理及其硬件实现. 基本性质,离散和连续双向联想记忆. 时间联想记忆. 神经网络分类器,感知器,监督和无监督学习. 正向和反向传播. 使用运算放大器的神经网络电模型., analog VLSI.
Units: (3)


ege531锁相和频率反馈系统Opens in new window


噪声理论和线性系统,调频反馈原理. 锁相环的原理与设计及其在通信与控制中的应用.
Units: (3)


Egee 537卫星通信Opens in new window


EGEE 443.
Satellite lsystems, link analysis, propagation effects, SNR/CNR calculations, modulation schemes, TDMA, FDMA, CDMA techniques.
Units: (3)


ege557微编程和嵌入式微处理器Opens in new window


EG-EE 412 and EGEE 448.
介绍微程序设计的概念及其在计算机控制单元中的应用, 微程序控制, arithmetic-logic unit, 在FPGA上实现嵌入式处理器并与外部存储器接口.
Units: (3)


ege558a微处理器及系统应用1Opens in new window


EGEE 404 and EGEE 404L.
微处理器和微型计算机, 他们的相关软件系统, 用微处理器进行系统设计, 外设控制器申请, 通信设备和多处理系统.
Units: (3)


ee558b微处理器和系统应用iiOpens in new window


EGEE 558A.
Advanced microprocessor architecture and their applications to microcomputer networking; RISC VS CISC architectures, communication protocol, 分布式操作系统, 局域网.
Units: (3)



ege559机器人入门Opens in new window


EGEE 416或教师同意.
从电气工程的角度看机器人科学, including modeling, task planning, control, 传感与机器人智能.
Units: (3)


ege580随机信号分析Opens in new window


EGEE 409和EGEE 323或同等学历.
与通信相关的随机过程, 控件和其他物理应用程序, 马尔可夫序列和过程, 正交原理.
Units: (3)


线性系统理论Opens in new window


EGGN 403 and EGEE 416.
State space analysis, linear spaces, stability of systems; numerical methods of linear systems analysis and design.
Units: (3)


ege582线性估计理论Opens in new window


EGEE 580 and EGEE 581.
Mathematical models of continuous-time and discrete-time stochastic processes; the Kalman filter, 平滑和次优滤波的计算研究.
Units: (3)


系统工程中的ee585优化技术Opens in new window


计算机科学专业的egn 403或数学340.
Calculus of variations, 多变量函数的优化, Lagrange multipliers, gradient techniques, linear programming, and the simplex method, 非线性与动态规划.
Units: (3)


系统工程中的操作分析技术Opens in new window


计算机科学专业的EGEE 323或数学338.
Operational research models; applications of probability theory to reliability, quality control, waiting line theory, Markov chains; Monte Carlo methods.
Units: (3)


EGEE 597 PROJECTOpens in new window


consent of adviser. 仅限分类研究生.
Units: (1-3)


EGEE 598 ThesisOpens in new window

consent of adviser. 仅限分类研究生.
Units: (1-6)


Egee 599独立研究生研究Opens in new window


consent of adviser. 可以重复学分吗.
Units: (1-3)